Thursday 5 February 2009

Second Honeymoon but MUCH better

My impending anniversary meant I was able to make last minute plans to go away with Simon when he had a business trip to Solihull. The rents stayed at our house looking after the children and we had an amazing time together. Before we left I kept pausing in the middle of my house wondering what else I needed to do before I could leave. It showed an obvious lack of experience in this area. This is the beginning of me taking more time for myself this year. I say let's do that once a month...pleeeeeease. I realised later it had been nearly 8 years since we had gone away alone. Perhaps having children grow up has its upside-a euphoric feeling when alone in a hotel with husband. Relaxation took on a new meaning.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Snow Play at East Common

I saw this play area on the common where Ainsley goes for cello lessons. We took her to her lesson to make up for Monday when the roads were not gritted yet and we didn't go anywhere. Simon and I stopped in the town and got subs from Subway for a lunchtime surprise and after eating I drove all of the kids here to play. This is just under a mile from our house. Sage and Ainsley are making plans to ride their bikes back here soon. It felt so good to go out after being in with coughing people all weekend. I had all of my paperwork for my Nursing course finished and I was free to par-tay! So we did some snow play.

Notice anything different? Ainsley has braces on her teeth now. She is very happy to have treatment started. The sooner to a perfect smile, and they don't have to do extractions like in the olden days....she is going to have a neat looking contraption soon to wear instead called a block. She thought she would have to wait a year for braces so I am serious when I say she is happy about getting them last week.

She does have mittens that match her coat....she is two though and changed her mind about what would be best. After living in a warm climate it has been a challenge to teach her the need for such things. She was out in her pajamas and slippers the first day it snowed. She did learn how fingers can hurt when they get cold and hence the agreement to wear these mittens.

Saxon was reluctant for photos at first.

The smiles say it all.

Bronwyn and Ainsley getting ready. Ainsley had her first bad hair dye experience last week, but it looks decent even though it is not the look she was going for. The colour came out ginger instead of blonde and only seems to have coloured the roots...but it looks almost natural at times. Maybe I won't have to spend money to fix it after all...

This part of England is not accustomed to much snow. We had nearly six inches by our house over the course of two days. School was canceled and that meant more playtime! Sage and Charlotte are here posing where you get onto the zip line. Charlotte got whacked a couple of times by the return trips before we figured it wasn't a good place for a small person to stand.