Sunday 28 February 2010

Sage is a TEEN!

My Sweet girl Sage has had her birthday today and is now beginning an important period in her life. She is already a lovely girl and I can imagine her continuing her present successes into the future. She is a good student as reported by all of her teachers and she is almost always found reading on her bed. She is studying violin and is starting to have a lot of fun playing with me on the Piano or with Ainsley on her Cello. Her sisters and brother love to play games and have fun with her. I love how she is a willing helper and gets up and ready for school independantly. She is hard working and dependable and I am so grateful to be her mother.

Next month she and Ainsley will travel to Belgium and France with the youth from church. It was fun to renew her passport photo and see how much she has changed over the past five years.
We love you Sage!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hey Darcy,
I just checked your blog and I have to say--Way to go on the jogging! Also, your daughter is so beautiful. A spittin' image of her beautiful mother. Wow! to go to France and Belgium with the youth--now THAT'S some activity!!! Congrats on a job and career that you love so much too. It was good to catch up with you.